In a previous post, I explored different ways in which I might be able to add a watermark to my Jupyter Notebooks.  I also referenced an interesting approach that would allow me to a) watermark all my notebooks at once and b) only have to write CSS once and write it entirely outside of any notebook.  Well, I decided to go ahead and give that approach a try.  Here are my results.

Step 1: Create your custom.css

The post I found on theming your notebooks suggested that you should place your custom CSS in a custom.css file here: ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css

The tilde is supposed to represent your home directory; although, in different installations of Jupyter Notebooks that I’ve seen, I’ve found the “home” directory for Jupyter to not necessarily be your Windows home directory.  At any rate, on my home computer, I found my Jupyter folder here: %USERPROFILE%\.jupyter

Interestingly, when I navigated to the that folder, I found no “custom” directory.  So, I created one and then created a blank custom.css within it.

Step 2: Add the necessary CSS to custom.css

Next, I opened my blank custom.css in Notepad++ and added the following CSS code (apologies for the horizontal scrolling, but I’m not entirely sure how to properly format HTML code in a CSS file):

div#notebook {
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' version='1.1' height='600px' width='600px'><text x='-350' y='500' fill='lightgray' font-size='80' font-family='Arial' transform='translate(30) rotate(-45 0 0)'></text></svg>");
    background-repeat: repeat;

Step 3: Start up Jupyter, create a new notebook, and profit!

Now, with your newly minted custom.css, launch Jupyter Notebook and start a new notebook…or even open up an existing one.  You’ll now see your watermark magically appear:

Pretty cool, eh?