After I finished installing Docker on my Windows 10 Home machine, I started up the application and was promptly greeted with a friendly message:

Access Denied

The message included a statement that my account needed to be part of the docker-users group in order to use Docker.

No problem. I logged into my machine with my admin account and opened up Computer Management to access the Local Users and Groups section so that I could add my developer account to the group. Only…the Local Users and Groups section wasn’t there! Er, what?

It turns out this option isn’t available through the Computer Management user interface on a Windows 10 Home system. Fortunately, it is available at the command line (here’s a nicer walkthrough about halfway down the page).

All I had to do was open a command shell as administrator and run the following:

net localgroup "docker-users" "brad" /add

After a restart, my Docker application ran as expected.