The twelfth annual PyOhio conference was held on July 27-28 and…it. was. awesome!

Now, when it comes to planning for a conference, I must admit that I’m a bit “old school.” A day or two before the gathering, I like to print out the schedule and carefully research each session so that I can choose the ones that best meet my work and personal objectives. Often, a conference will let you download a printable schedule; however, I didn’t find any such file on the PyOhio website. No matter, I can write some Python to scrape the schedule from the website and create my own CSV for printing. Here’s what I did:

Step 1: Import the requisite packages

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv

Step 2: Grab the schedule page

result = requests.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, 'lxml')

Step 3: Parse out the sessions

Unfortunately, I can only attend Saturday, so my code just focuses on pulling the Saturday sessions:

day_2_list = [['start_end', 'slot1', 'slot2', 'slot3', 'slot4']]
day_2 ='')[1]  # get just Saturday
talks_section = day_2.find('h3', string='Keynotes, Talks, & Tutorials').parent

# iterate across each time block
for time_block in'div.time-block'):
    start_end = time_block.find('div', {'class': 'time-wrapper'}).get_text().replace('to', ' - ')
    time_rec = [start_end, '', '', '', '']
    # now, iterate across each slot within a time block.  a time block can have 1-4 time slots
    for slot in'div.time-block-slots'):
        for i, card in enumerate('div.schedule-item')):
            class_title = card.select_one('h3').get_text()
            presenter = ('p')[0]).get_text()
            location = ('p')[1]).get_text()
            time_rec[i+1] = '{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format(class_title, presenter, location)
    day_2_list.append(time_rec)  # after grabbing each slot, write the block to my "day 2" list

Step 4: Write the scraped results to a CSV

csv_file = 'pyohio_20190727_schedule.csv'

with open(csv_file, 'w', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

Sweet! Now I can choose just the right sessions to attend. Get my complete code here.