If you have had a senior in high school, chances are you’re familiar with the Common App. The Common App is the common way to have your high school senior apply to colleges.
One important page in the application is the Activities page. Here, your child can fill up to 10 slots with activities he has been involved with in the last several years. I’m told leadership and service examples in one’s activities are looked upon favorably by college admissions personnel. Also, multiple years dedicated to a given activity is supposedly viewed favorably…as opposed to the activity your senior embarked on a month before filling out his application because he suddenly realized listing one demonstrates depth of character.
As you fill out your activities, you tag each with a category. In 2020, the Common App listed 30 categories:
Academic | Journalism/Publication |
Art | Junior R.O.T.C. |
Athletics: Club | LGBT |
Athletics: JV/Varsity | Music: Instrumental |
Career Oriented | Music: Vocal |
Community Service (Volunteer) | Religious |
Computer/Technology | Research |
Cultural | Robotics |
Dance | School Spirit |
Debate/Speech | Science/Math |
Environmental | Social Justice |
Family Responsibilities | Student Govt./Politics |
Foreign Exchange | Theater/Drama |
Foreign Language | Work (Paid) |
Internship | Other Club/Activity |
So, how can you help your college-bound child develop a rich list of activities to provide on his college application? Here are 10 ideas to think about…and think about strategically several years before your child enters his senior year of high school.
School clubs and extracurriculars
These days, most high schools have a club or extracurricular activity that hits nearly all the above categories. Most schools even accommodate your child starting his own club if he doesn’t find a suitable existing one. Unless your child starts his own club, achieving a leadership position in an existing club or extracurricular could be difficult, especially among the more popular organizations.
Sports is certainly an acceptable activity in the Common App and most schools have a wide variety from which to choose. Of course, competition in your child’s chosen sport may limit his leadership options or even his participation altogether.
Work is its own category in the Common App. Thinking strategically, consider steering your child towards lines of work with management possibilities to, thus, hit that leadership buzzword.
Religious Institutions
Religious institutions usually have service opportunities well covered. For example, my religious institution has a “Peanut Butter” ministry where my children can spend an hour each week making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the hungry.
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or similar organization
Groups like the Boy Scouts provide a variety of opportunities for your child to hit several of the Common App activities. These organizations also provide several leadership chances.
Local, private businesses and organizations
My town hosts several local dance studios, theater groups, music schools, and more. Patronizing many of these businesses can be expensive, but might help your child hit an activity or two.
Camps come in a variety of forms: religious, Scout-oriented, and even commercial such as computer programming camps, chess camps, and the like. Are there camps in your area that interest your child? Are there camps in your area that need volunteers or need to hire a fine, upstanding teenager? Patronizing a camp or even working at a camp might help build out your catalog of activities.
Your local Kiwanis club
Kiwanis clubs or similar local, civic organizations have their fingers in lots of unique and interesting local operations. If your town or city has such an organization, I highly recommend checking it out and consider involving your child and/or yourself with it. Not only can you check off a Common App activity or two with your involvement, these organizations often sponsor college scholarships and your child’s involvement in such and organization might help him earn one of them.
Your own work
Many businesses–especially larger employers–seem to be expanding more into volunteer work and local community involvement. After a long day at work, you’re probably not interested in dragging your child to a service opportunity sponsored by your place of business, but that could still be an option as you help your child build out his catalog.
Family and friends
On occasion, even your family and friends might have fresh and interesting ideas. If you’re struggling thinking of ways to help your child develop his list of activities for his college applications and none of my above suggestions work for you, take a survey of your family and friends for suggestions.
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