Anyone who’s ever tried to copy text from, say, a webpage to an email or document knows the struggle. You’re document might be nicely formatted in a 10 point Arial font, but the text you paste in retains its crazy 20 point Comic Sans font from the source page.
So, I was momentarily excited to read a recent article from Bleeping Computer announcing a potential end to the pasting nightmare. The article discussed upcoming changes to your Windows clipboard functionality allowing you to paste historical clips free of formatting and suggested that the ability to paste format-free current clipboard items may even be available in Windows 10 today:
“Although one can also use the CTRL+SHIFT+V keyboard shortcut to remove all formatting when pasting text content sent to the clipboard, this doesn’t work with clipboard history items.”
Really? You mean, today, Windows contains this feature I have longed for for most of my computing life?
Well, it depends on the application in which you are pasting. If you are pasting text into editors hosted in browsers like Firefox and Chrome, then, yes, Ctrl+Shift+V seems to work. However, if you are pasting text into Microsoft Office products on your desktop–which is where I do the majority of my work–Ctrl+Shift+V doesn’t seem to work at all.
Indeed, Chtrl+Shift+V isn’t even listed as a valid keyboard shortcut on Microsoft’s site, so I’m altogether confused by the statements being made by Bleeping Computer. Perhaps we must still wait for the release of Build 21318 before we can enjoy native format-free pasting, historical or otherwise.
In the meantime, one frustrating way to clear your clipboard text of formatting is to first paste the text into an application that supports no formatting at all, like Microsoft Notepad. Then, copy the text from Notepad to its final destination.
However, what I do is use the application PureText by Steve Miller. (I assume not thatSteve Miller.) PureText is a fantastic little utility that does the job Windows should be doing: providing you the ability to paste format-free text in any application running on your Windows machine.
What can Donald do if he can’t afford an ERD modeling tool?
Although I’m no database administrator, every-so-often I need to model out table relationships as part of some new project. Most folks would use a tool like Microsoft Visio to model their entity relationships. However, Visio costs money and I don’t have it…er, I don’t have Visio. (I don’t have much money, either, given the exorbitant costs of college these days.)
So, what’s a cheapskate like myself to do? Why, use free tools, that’s what! Lately, I’ve found some joy in the combination of SQLite and DBeaver.
Step 1: Code out your database
In a text editor like Notepad++, start coding out your database. Let’s take the canonical example of an orders database. You might rough out some of those tables with the following script:
item_key VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
item_desc VARCHAR(100),
unit_price DECIMAL(5,2),
CONSTRAINT item_pk PRIMARY KEY (item_key)
CREATE TABLE customers(
customer_key VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
customer_name VARCHAR(100),
CONSTRAINT customer_pk PRIMARY KEY (customer_key)
order_key VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
customer_fk VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT order_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_key),
CONSTRAINT customer_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY (customer_fk) REFERENCES customers(customer_key)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS order_details;
CREATE TABLE order_details(
order_fk VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
item_fk VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
quantity INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT order_detail_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_fk, item_fk),
CONSTRAINT order_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY (order_fk) REFERENCES orders(order_key),
CONSTRAINT item_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY (item_fk) REFERENCES items(item_key)
Save your script to a file like orders_db.sql.
Step 2: Generate a SQLite database
Now, pipe your script into SQLite to generate your orders database. In Windows, you can open a command shell and run a command like the following:
DBeaver supports tens of different types of databases, including SQLite. Creating a connection to your newly created SQLite database is relatively easy. Follow the guide to creating a new connection. When it comes time to select your database type, you can click the “SQL” tab and scroll down until you find the selection for SQLite. All your connection needs is a path to the database file you created in Step 2–in my example, I called the database orders.db.
Step 4: Create an ER diagram from the tables in your database
DBeaver includes a cool feature called Entity Relation Diagrams where it allows you to easily visualize your database. In the application, you can select File > New from the menu and find the ER Diagram selection under the DBeaver folder. From there, you should be presented with a list of available databases including the one you setup in Step 2. Go to your orders database, find your tables, and select all of them. Once you name your ER Diagram, you should be able to click the Finish button. If all goes well, you should see a visual like the following:
My ER Diagram in DBeaver (in dark mode)
Having a visual of your database helps you identify missing columns, bad or missing relationships, etc. You should now be able to identify these problems, go back to Step 1 with the code to fix them, and repeat the steps again until your model starts to look more appropriate. With my tables visualized in an ER diagram, I find it easier to share and discuss my ideas with teammates rather than trying to talk through the code. ER diagrams also make for good images in documentation.
So, on my laptop, I opened up a new Jupyter notebook, created a new “markdown” cell, and wrote out the following HTML:
<img src="[customers]<>1-*>[orders], [orders]<>1-*>[order_details], [items]<>1-*>[order_details], [note: My database model {bg:cornsilk}]" >
This code then rendered this UML diagram:
My ERD created with
Certainly not as detailed as my SQLite/DBeaver solution, but quicker to achieve and still helpful with team discussions and documentation. In the comments, feel free to add your “poor person” approach to database modeling.
The 2018 Netflix movie, Anon, is a dystopian look at one potential future of people’s privacy. In this world, people are fitted with contact lense-type eye implants that record all the individual sees as his “record”. This implant provides many conveniences such as unlocking your front door, initiating video chats with people in your contact list, and even playing back pre-recorded memories from days or even years gone by.
Of course, this convenience also has drawbacks. Police can easily access your “record” in criminal investigations whether you’re guilty or not and, if the government has access to your record, others can obtain access, too. It recalls to my mind the long time battle of security versus convenience. I’m also remind of that famous Benjamin Franklin quote:
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
In the last scene of the movie, the anti-hero hacker asserts her stance on personal privacy:
“It’s not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see.”
Anon (The Girl)
With regard to privacy and especially government access to one’s personal information, many people often say, “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.” Perhaps we should turn that around and ask ourselves is there anything of our personal affairs we want government to see? Or, maybe even more to the point, what right does government have to our personal affairs to begin with?
Anon is an entertaining movie that is sure to make you think more about your own privacy and conveniences you may even be taking advantage of today that could potentially compromise some of that privacy. However, it is not a family-friendly movie, so adults only, please!
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