Musings of a dad with too much time on his hands and not enough to do. Wait. Reverse that.

Tag: genealogy (Page 5 of 6)

Taking Care of your Family Heirlooms

As a technologist (and nerd), I love going to technology conferences. Over the years, I’ve been to numerous Microsoft gatherings and a variety of other development and security seminars. Fortunately, all those events were paid for by employers past and present. I did attend one day at the Ohio Genealogical Conference a few years ago, but on my own dime and only after burning a day of vacation. In general, it’s hard to justify the high ticket and travel fees, not to mention finite vacation days, to attend genealogy and other non-work related, but interesting events.

All that said, I don’t know why it never occurred to me before, but several months ago, one of the genealogical podcasts I listen to alerted me to the fact that some of these conferences publish their sessions online, sometimes for free. So, while backing up several gigabytes of media files, I decided to take in the session “Taking Care of your Family Heirlooms” from the 2017 National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair (I guess there are worse things on which the US government can squander tax payer money). If you have an hour, check out the session–although the audio isn’t great; but for a cliff notes version, here are my notes:

Assess your stuff

Over the years, my ancestors have amassed lots of paraphernalia and a lot of that material has filtered down to me. At some point, though, you have to make some hard choices about your artifacts: for every artifact, you should decide whether to keep it, sell it, throw it away, or give it away.

Document your stuff

For all the material you keep, you should document as much as possible. Ask about each object as all those “W” (and “H”) questions: who, what, when, where, how. As in: who owned this artifact? What is it? What makes it so valuable? When was it acquired? Where was it acquired? How was it acquired? Etc. All artifacts should be documented in multiple ways. For example, photographs should be scanned and the electronic file documented in some fashion. Likewise, the physical photograph should be safely labeled. The presenter said that if you must apply a label directly on the artifact, use pencil instead of pen as pencil does less harm.

Store your stuff sensibly

Wet basements and hot attics can do great harm to your heirlooms as can sunlight, ultraviolet light, pests, family pets, and even dust. Ideally, you store your items safely in, say, the first floor of your home where your environment is a little more consistently controlled. What sort of containers should you choose? For photos, documents, and such, the presenter recommended PAT tested, alkaline buffered containers and, even though such containers are expensive, avoid overfilling them as that might compromise the contents. Old books like family Bibles–I have several of these–should be stored flat instead of upright like you’d find in a library, as gravity can be a harsh mistress to these worn tomes.

With metal objects, your greatest enemy is rust and you seem to exacerbate this problem if your metal heirlooms touch one another, so keep your metal heirlooms dry, wrapped in acid free paper, and stored so that they’re not touching other metal objects. During the question-and-answer period of the presentation, someone asked about preserving tin photos, of which I personally have a lot. Apparently, “tin” photos aren’t tin at all, but iron. The rule still applies, though: keep the photos from touching one another, keep them dry, stick them in a box, etc.

Display your stuff?

In general, the speaker wasn’t too keen on displaying one’s heirlooms given the damage sunlight and other environmental factors can inflict on your items (reminds me of how the US Declaration of Independence was hung on the wall of a patent office in DC for over 30 years degrading it badly). She recommended only displaying them “on special occasions” or, alternatively, displaying a photocopy of the artifact. Photos could be mounted on PAT approved paper and slipped into polyester sleaving for display. I actually did this with one of my grandmother’s old scrapbooks. I took the further step of printing out labels that I stuck to the photo paper underneath each photo…so I safely stored, displayed, and labeled these precious heirlooms all in one fell swoop!

How to handle your stuff

The basic rule of thumb here is to wash your hands before handling your artifacts. Some experts advocate cotton gloves, others advocate latex free gloves. One disadvantage to gloves, though, is that they dull your sensitivity to the artifact you’re handling possibly allowing you to damage it without realizing. Have stiff boards on hand on which you can lay flat your precious documents and make sure you have clean, de-cluttered surfaces on which to work.

Digitizing your stuff

I strongly recommend digitizing as much of your keepsakes as possible. Certainly photos and slides. I do have several large photos, paintings, and posters for which I struggle to find solutions since I’ve not been able to find a retail scanner for documents larger than letter-size. In the past, I’ve had to settle for scanning these items a section at a time and then using software to stitch the images together. FedEx stores have oversized scanners that I’ve used in the past, but I also want to look into building a rig for these purposes, as well.

The presenter noted that sometimes, you’ll get the best digital product by farming out the work to a capable vendor–you may not even own the equipment necessary to digitize some of your material. Here is a list of questions the speaker recommended asking potential vendors:

  1. Will you perform a pilot test for me on one of my artifacts so I can be sure of the quality of your work?
  2. Do you do the work in-house or do you send the items out to another location?
  3. What type of file will I get back? With audio,for example, WAV audio files are excellent for archival purposes whereas MP3 files are ideal for sharing with other family members.
  4. Do you adjust your equipment to get the best quality product? If you’re digitizing vinyl albums, ask what needle sizes the vendor uses. If you’re digitizing audio tape, ask the vendor if they adjust the asymyth to get a better reproduction. You may not know these terms, but quality vendors should.

Further Resources

For further questions, you can always email the Archives folks at or Other sites the speaker recommended include and For good backup strategies of your digital assets, take a look at this site:

Are you recording your family events?

This video gets me.  There I am, trying to record every little scene I can in my kids’ lives.  I hope you’re doing the same.  As my parents constantly remind me: they’ll be gone before you know it!  To that end, here are several ideas I try to keep in mind when recording family events:

1. Get a good camera

I am cheap frugal, so I am loath to spend lots of money on nice video cameras; however, you do want to produce quality video, so you should be prepared to drop a few more smackers for it.  I definitely recommend a camera capable of recording video in high definition (HD).  Also, think about the media on which cameras record: I find ones that record on SD cards to be very convenient.  Recording on your smart phone is fine, too, and I often mix video recorded on my smart phone with video I’ve recorded with my regular camera; nevertheless, video cameras tend to offer many more useful features above what you get with your smart phone.

2. Film everything

It’s a given to film birthday parties, graduations, and plays, but you never know when some seemingly insignificant event might become a long-lasting memory.  Think about some of those smaller events: carving pumpkins, a quiet family dinner, your kids playing a game and laughing together, walking the property of a family farm, etc.  These moments in time may never repeat themselves, so think about recording them!

3. Think about your film technique

I did some camera work in college, but for the most part I’m a complete amateur.  [Side note: I should probably take a class or two to improve my technique.]  For my family videos, though, one technique I use quite often is to keep my camera in tight on my subject for the majority of my shots.  For example, when my child is playing basketball or soccer, I’ll keep my camera trained tight on him instead of holding a wide shot of the field or following the ball from player to player.  With wide shots, your viewers–grandparents and other friends and family–may not even be able to pick out your kids from the 10-20 others on the field, let alone see the skills your child exhibits.  When you follow the ball around, you’re usually filming other children the majority of the time: footage you’ll likely discard, anyway.  So, I generally keep my camera trained in tight on my children.  When they make a great play, I’m already capturing the full lifespan of the play and can easily edit that into my final product.  The one drawback of this technique is that I usually miss great plays by my kids’ teammates.  In general, that doesn’t worry me, but every-so-often a parent will ask me if I captured their child’s buzzer-beater and I reluctantly reply in the negative.

4. Take notes

If you’ve captured an important moment–say, your child’s first goal or some great award or honor–make a note of it somewhere.  If possible, record not only the date and time, but even the name of the video file and timestamp within the file.  That way, when you set down to create a final product (see #10 below), it will be easy for you to find the event and edit it into your product.

5. Keep a steady hand

Few things are worse than watching a home video that gives you motion sickness.  On more than one occasion, my wife and children have filmed events with their phones that I wanted to include in one of our family movies but refrained since the shots were so shaky–which is another reason to not rely solely on your smart phone for your video recorder.  A lot of the nicer video cameras include stabilization controls, which can be helpful, especially with the tight shots.  In addition, I recommend bringing along a decent tripod and/or monopod.

6. Backup, backup, backup

Don’t let all your hard work go to waste: backup early, backup often.  I try never to go more than a few weeks without downloading all the video I’ve taken and back it up to my different storage devices.  This goes for the pictures I take, as well.  High definition files take up a lot of space, so be prepared to have ample storage available.

7. Keep spares handy

I bought a second battery for my video camera that I keep charged and nearby whenever my primary battery gets too low.  I also keep spare, formatted SD cards handy in case I fill up my current card.

8. Go-Pro?  Drone?

I own neither a go-pro nor a drone, but I think either device would definitely introduce a unique flavor to your home videos.  I could certainly see recording a fun bike stroll, roller coaster ride, or rafting adventure with a go-pro.  We have two farms in the family that would be fun to document with a drone and even just recording a few flyovers of my suburban house might be fun video to have years from now.

9. Don’t always be the man behind the camera

Even if no one else is lining up to take over as cameraman, try to get in front of the camera every once-in-a-while.

10. Make a polished product

Having raw footage of your various family activities is great, but why not stretch your creative muscles and make a real video out of it?  For more than 10 years, every Christmas, I meticulously parse through a year’s worth of video footage and create a 60+ minute video recapping all our various activities.  In the early years, I used some of the free tools from Microsoft to create my videos and eventually burn them to DVD (complete with disk art drawn by the kids) that I’d hand out to the extended family.  As Microsoft has deprecated those tools, I moved to the CyberLink family of products.

Like my Christmas Letter, I always press multiple copies of my family movies so that I can eventually gift them to the kids; however, I recently decided to stop burning DVDs altogether, instead, simply creating an MP4 of the finished product that I can upload to my media server.  Eventually, whenever I gift our old Christmas Letters to my kids, I’ll also gift a thumb drive of two decades of family movies.  How cool will that be?

Learning on the go: podcast edition

I have a lengthy commute: sometimes an hour or more each way. Years ago, I would listen to the morning drive time radio. Then, I discovered podcasts and realized that I could make my commutes productive by actually learning something while I navigate my metal coffin to my cube dwelling for the day. Here are ten podcasts I’ve benefited from over the years:

1. .NET Rocks

Carl and Richard talk all things .NET and more (that is, various software development topics for those of less nerdy persuasion). The two also dive into more sciency topics with their periodic “geek out” sessions. .NET Rocks has to be one of the longest running podcasts around, having started in 2002, and they show no signs of quitting any time soon.

2. Contra Krugman

Economist Paul Krugman seems to have the ear of lots of media outlets. Unfortunately, he tends to run fast and loose with the “facts” he presents in these venues. While the media lets him get away with his embellishments, Tom Woods and Bob Murphy don’t: in every episode, they point out his mistakes and–dare I say?–potential lies and have a lot of fun in the process.

3. The Tom Woods Show

Not content with his weekly Contra Krugman podcast, Tom Woods also hosts The Tom Woods Show: easily digestible, daily podcast episodes covering a wide variety of topics from economics, to current events, to history, and much more. I highly recommend this one!

4. Hanselminutes

Technologist Scott Hanselman hosts a periodic conversation with other prominent technologists. He covers lots of software development topics but occasionally ventures into broader themes such as how to attract more women to STEM careers, technology in non-profits, tracking your own life and health metrics, etc.

5. Part of the Problem

Comedian Dave Smith discusses current events from a more libertarian perspective…and drops a joke or two!

6. The Sword and Laser

I love science fiction and fantasy books! In the Sword and Laser, Tom Merritt and Veronica Belmont discuss a wide variety of science fiction and fantasy books. They’ll often introduce me to authors and books I’ve never heard of, which can be frustrating since plummeting down the highway is no time to be writing down cool book recommendations!

7. Talk Python to Me

I’ve been teaching myself to code in Python for the last several years now, so I’m always eager to find resources to help me speed that process along. Enter Talk Python to Me. Here, Michael Kennedy interviews a variety of Python aficionados and discusses the many cool projects they’re working on. I particularly enjoy when he asks his guests to identify a couple of their favorite packages–I’ve found quite a few of their recommendations helpful to me in my work and personal projects.

8. The Genealogy Guys

I’ve listened to the Genealogy Guys for years now and even had the pleasure of attending a session taught by Drew Smith himself at the Ohio Genealogical Conference in 2016. In The Genealogy Guys, George and Drew discuss a wide variety of topics to help amateur and professional alike with their family history challenges.

9. The James Altucher Show

James Altucher walks to the beat of a different drummer. In this podcast, James interviews lots of popular and influential people from his unique perspective, trying to identify the patterns and practices that make them successful.

10. The Survival Podcast

Don’t let the name fool you: no one’s wearing a tinfoil hat here. Jack Spirko is passionate about helping people identify their single points of failure and helping them build backups and redundancies in these areas. At my work–and I’m sure nearly everyone else’s–there’s such a huge emphasis on disaster recovery planning. Every new software or system we put in place has to have a detailed plan on what to do if the system suddenly fails. We even have quarterly exercises where we pretend the systems have failed and walk through our recovery plans, step by step, to make sure they actually work. My thought is, if businesses place such importance on disaster planning and recovery, how much more important is it that we do the same things for our own families? If disaster strikes, to heck with work: I want to make sure my family makes it through unscathed. This is what The Survival Podcast is all about.

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