Musings of a dad with too much time on his hands and not enough to do. Wait. Reverse that.

Tag: guitar

Learning Guitar with Python, Part 3

Past posts in this sorta-series: Part 1 and Part 2.

Pentatonic scales are quite popular among guitar players. If you’re rusty on your Greek, “Penta” means “five”. Thus, these scales only have five notes instead of seven–the fourth and seventh notes are dropped from their modal counterparts.

The major and minor pentatonic scales that I learned are truncated versions of the Ionian and Aeolian modal scales, respectively. My guitar teacher also showed me a longer form of both the major and minor pentatonic scales: scales that traverse more frets than the normal four-fret span. Furthermore, the long-form minor scale includes a feature called “The House,” where the notes on the fretboard resemble a house:

Bad rendering of how notes in the minor pentatonic scale resemble a house

“The House” is, apparently, a popular shape used by lots of famous guitar players.

To help me learn these scales, as I have with previous scales, I coded them up in Python in a Jupyter notebook and displayed them in HTML. Here’s the code I wrote:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display_html

%matplotlib inline

major_pentatonic = {'Low E':['','1','','2'], 'A':['3','','','5'], 'D':['6','','','1'], 'G':['2','','3',''], 
                    'B':['','5','','6'], 'High E':['','1','','2']}
minor_pentatonic = {'Low E':['6','','','1'], 'A':['2','','3',''], 'D':['5','','6',''], 'G':['1','','2',''], 
                    'B':['3','','','5'], 'High E':['6','','','1']}
major_pent_long = {'Low E':['1','','2','','3','','',''], 'A':['','','5','','6','','',''], 
                   'D':['','','1','','2','','3',''], 'G':['','','','','5','','6',''], 
                   'B':['','','','','','1','','2'], 'High E':['','','','','3','','','5']}
minor_pent_long = {'Low E':['5','','6','','','','',''], 'A':['1','','2','','3','','',''], 
                   'D':['','','5','','6','','',''], 'G':['','','1','','2','','3',''], 
                   'B':['','','','','','5','','6'], 'High E':['','','','','','1','','2']}

pent_scales = {'Major Pentatonic':major_pentatonic, 'Minor Pentatonic':minor_pentatonic, 
               'Major Pentatonic (Long)':major_pent_long, 'Minor Pentatonic (The House)': minor_pent_long}
pent_html = '<h3>Pentatonic Scale Shapes</h3>'

for i, scale_name in enumerate(pent_scales):
    nbr_of_frets = len(pent_scales[scale_name]['Low E'])
    df_scale = pd.DataFrame(pent_scales[scale_name], index=np.arange(1, nbr_of_frets+1))
    df_scale_styler ="style='display:inline'").set_caption(scale_name)
    pent_html += df_scale_styler._repr_html_() + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
    if (i+1) % 2 == 0:
        pent_html += '<p></p>'

display_html(pent_html, raw=True)

And that code rendered this graphic:

Pentatonic scales rendered in a Jupyter notebook

So now I can show my notebook in a computer monitor and play along to the scale.

More to come!

Learning Guitar with Python, Part 2

Here’s another installment in my occasional series on using Python to help me learn guitar.

At the start of my practice sessions, I play scales to both help me get warmed up and help me know where the notes in a given key are in relation to each other. I’m learning that scale patterns are important to soloing, so I’m starting to commit a lot of these scales to memory. Having them easily available and all together in a Jupyter Notebook makes this process a lot easier for me.

So, here’s the code I wrote and accompanying image of the modal scales I practice on a regular basis:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display_html

%matplotlib inline

Ionian = {'Low E': ['', '1', '', '2'], 'A': ['3', '4', '', '5'], 'D': ['6', '', '7', '1'],
          'G': ['2', '', '3', '4'], 'B': ['', '5', '', '6'], 'High E': ['7', '1', '', '']}
Dorian = {'Low E': ['', '2', '', '3', '4'], 'A': ['', '5', '', '6', ''], 'D': ['7', '1', '', '2', ''],
          'G': ['3', '4', '', '5', ''], 'B': ['', '6', '', '7', '1'], 'High E': ['', '2', '', '', '']}
Phrygian = {'Low E': ['3', '4', '', '5'], 'A': ['6', '', '7', '1'], 'D': ['2', '', '3', '4'],
            'G': ['5', '', '6', ''], 'B': ['7', '1', '', '2'], 'High E': ['3', '', '', '']}
Lydian = {'Low E': ['', '4', '', '5'], 'A': ['6', '', '7', '1'], 'D': ['2', '', '3', '4'],
          'G': ['5', '', '6', ''], 'B': ['7', '1', '', '2'], 'High E': ['3', '4', '', '']}
Myxolydian = {'Low E': ['', '5', '', '6', ''], 'A': ['7', '1', '', '2', ''], 'D': ['3', '4', '', '5', ''],
          'G': ['6', '', '7', '1', ''], 'B': ['', '2', '', '3', '4'], 'High E': ['', '5', '', '', '']}
Aeolian = {'Low E': ['', '6', '', '7', '1'], 'A': ['', '2', '', '3', '4'], 'D': ['', '5', '', '6', ''],
          'G': ['7', '1', '', '2', ''], 'B': ['', '3', '4', '', '5'], 'High E': ['', '6', '', '', '']}
Locrian = {'Low E': ['7', '1', '', '2'], 'A': ['3', '4', '', '5'], 'D': ['6', '', '7', '1'],
            'G': ['2', '', '3', '4'], 'B': ['', '5', '', '6'], 'High E': ['7', '', '', '']}

modes = {'Ionian':Ionian, 'Dorian':Dorian, 'Phrygian':Phrygian, 'Lydian':Lydian, 'Myxolydian':Myxolydian, 
         'Aeolian':Aeolian, 'Locrian':Locrian}
modes_html = '&lt;h3>Scales for Each Mode&lt;/h3>'

for i, mode_name in enumerate(modes):
    nbr_of_frets = len(modes[mode_name]['Low E'])
    df_mode = pd.DataFrame(modes[mode_name], index=np.arange(1, nbr_of_frets+1))
    df_mode_styler ="style='display:inline'").set_caption(mode_name)
    modes_html += df_mode_styler._repr_html_() + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
    if (i+1) % 3 == 0:
        modes_html += '&lt;p>&lt;/p>'

display_html(modes_html, raw=True)

This code in a Jupyter Notebook produces this graphic:

The numbers for each note represent the note’s position in the key in which you’re playing. Ionian pushes the first note of the key. For example, if you’re playing in the Key of C major, the “1” would be C. You’d find C on your Low E string (8th fret) and start playing the scale. If you wanted to play the Dorian mode of that key–D Dorian–you’d find D on your Low E string–a whole step up to the 10th fret–and start your Dorian scale there.

When I practice these scales, I’ve been taking a few approaches. For one, I play the scale going up and then turning around and coming back. I’ll start with the first note on the Low E string and play all the way up to the last note on the High E string and then play back down to where I started. To keep things interesting, sometimes I’ll reverse this process so that I start on that last High E string note, play down to the first note on the Low E and then turn around and play back to where I started.

Next, I’ll play each scale for every fret up the neck until I reach the 12th fret. So, for the Ionian scale, I’ll start the scale on the 2nd fret, play it through, move to the 3rd fret, play it through, and repeat this process until I reach the 12th fret. I do this for all the scales, so I play each scale about 10 or so times in a given practice session.

Finally, as I get these scales under my belt, I’m trying to play them faster and faster. I’ll usually try to power through the first four modes as fast and accurate as I can, take a small break, and then finish the last three. Then, I’ll move on to the rest of my practice.

More Python and music notes to follow!

Learning Guitar with Python, Part 1

After many years of just messing around, I’ve started formal guitar lessons this year. A lot of my instruction includes learning the notes on the fret board, the different keys of music, scales, some basic music theory, and so forth. I’ve taken a lot of hand written notes during my instructional sessions and recently started transcribing a lot of those digitally. It occurred to me that Jupyter Notebook and Python might be a fantastic way to depict some of the concepts I’m learning. So, here is Part 1 of some of my guitar notes with the help of Jupyter Notebook and Python.

The 12 Keys

I won’t take the time to explain the notes and basic pattern in music as that information can be found all over the internet. The first idea I wanted to construct was a grid of the 12 keys and the notes within each key. My instructor and I have also talked a lot about the relative minor in each major key, so I wanted my graphic to convey that point, too. I put together this code:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

# make up my list of notes
chromatic_scale_ascending = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B']
# since I usually start on the low E string, rearrange the notes starting on E
scale_from_e = (chromatic_scale_ascending + chromatic_scale_ascending)[4:16]

# the scale pattern:
# root, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step
key_steps = [2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2]  # on the guitar, a whole step is two frets
major_keys = []
for root in scale_from_e:
    three_octaves = scale_from_e * 3
    steps_from_root = three_octaves.index(root)
    major_scale = [root]
    # construct the unique notes in the scale
    for step in key_steps:
        steps_from_root += step
    # span the scale across 3 octaves
    major_keys.append(major_scale * 2 + [root])
df_major_keys = pd.DataFrame(major_keys)
df_major_keys.columns = df_major_keys.columns + 1  # start counting notes at 1 instead of 0

# use this function to highlight the relative minor scales in orange
def highlight_natural_minor(data):
    df = data.copy()
    df.iloc[:,:] = 'font-size:20px;height:30px'
    df.iloc[:,5:13] = 'background-color: lightgray; font-size:20px'
    return df

print('The 12 keys and the notes within them:'), axis=None)

Which produced this handy graphic:

The 12 keys and their notes

For simplicity, I used sharps in my keys instead of flats. The highlighted part of the table marks the relative minor portion of the major key.

The notes of the fret board

Probably one of the best ways to learn the notes on your guitar’s fret board is to trace out the fret board on a blank piece of paper and start filling in each note by hand. Do that a few hundred times and you’ll probably start remembering the notes. Being lazy, though, I wanted to have my computer do that work for me. Here’s the code I came up with to write out the fret board:

standard_tuned_strings = ['E', 'A', 'D', 'G', 'B', 'E']
chromatic_scale_ascending = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B']
col_names = ['Low E', 'A', 'D', 'G', 'B', 'High E']
fretboard_notes = []

for string in standard_tuned_strings:
    start_pos = chromatic_scale_ascending.index(string)
    fretboard_notes.append((chromatic_scale_ascending + chromatic_scale_ascending)[start_pos+1:start_pos+13])

df_fretboard = pd.DataFrame(np.array(fretboard_notes).T, index=np.arange(1, 13), columns=col_names) = 'fret'

def highlight_select_frets(data):
    fret_markers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 11]
    df = data.copy()
    df.iloc[:,:] = 'font-size:20px'
    df.iloc[fret_markers,:] = 'background-color: lightgray; font-size:20px'
    return df, axis=None)
Notes on the guitar fret board (1st through 12th fret, standard tuning)

More notes to come, so stay tuned! (Puns intended)

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