Musings of a dad with too much time on his hands and not enough to do. Wait. Reverse that.

Tag: parenting (Page 12 of 14)

Did I forget something?

Not to name names, but a certain family member occasionally forgets important items as he/she rushes out of the house at the start of the day. I, too, am not immune to such forgetfulness: from time-to-time, I find myself turning around a block or two from the house just to reassure myself that the garage door is closed or coffee maker is off or whatever. In an effort to reduce or eliminate these frustrations, here are some techniques I try to employ most mornings:

1. Keep your important possessions in the same locations

“That’s your home. Are you too good for your home?!”

Happy Gilmore

All your important possessions, work-related and otherwise, should have a home. Wallet, car keys, office badge, cell phone, etc. Designate a home for these items and keep your items in their homes at all times until you need them; otherwise, you’ll burn important minutes searching for your wayward items.

2. Make a checklist

After a third time of driving to my kid’s school to drop off a forgotten lunch–cutting into my work commute–I created a morning (and evening) checklist for each child, taped it to the refrigerator, and made each one go through it every morning. It worked for the most part. Such things should work for you, too.

3. Establish a sequence of events and make it a habit

I’ve established a set sequence every morning: make the kid breakfast, get changed for the day, unload/load the dishwasher, hit the bus stop, etc. Sticking to that order helps ensure I don’t forget anything important.

4. Establish a magic number

My magic number if four: 1) wallet, 2) keys, 3) cell phone, 4) coffee mug. Every morning, I count off these four items before I leave the house and every evening I count off these four items before I leave the office.

5. Verbalize when you’ve accomplished a task

If I’m not careful, as I start to pull out of my suburb or, even worse, onto the highway, I’ll start asking myself, “did I close the garage door?” Or, “did I turn off the coffee maker?” Arrghh! To conquer that second-guessing, as I close the garage door or turn off the coffee maker, I find it effective to say out loud: “I’ve closed the garage door!” Or, “I’ve turned off the coffee maker!” I will say these statements out loud to ingrain the fact in my brain. I try to make sure no one else is around to hear lest I scare the neighbors.

6. Set up alarms for yourself on your phone

I have a recurring alarm set up on my phone that goes on when it’s time to walk with the kid out to the bus stop. I have another set up weekly to remind me to take out the garbage (a snippet of The Coasters, Yakety Yak). Alarms are a great tool for remembering your responsibilities. Have some fun with your alarms, too. I highly recommend Zedge for downloading awesome ringtones and notifications.

7. Set up events and notifications in your calendar

The wife and I make heavy use of Google calendar for tracking all our events and activities. One helpful feature of Google calendar is event reminders: for any event you create, you can attach a “reminder” in the form of either an email or notification. For my more important events, I’ll select “notification” and then decide on when I need to be notified. If the event’s simply a reminder to do something–like call the cable company and threaten to cut the cord if they don’t lower my rates–I may want my reminder to be “on time”. If the event’s a dentist appointment for the kids, I might set it for 24 hours in advance so that I have time to clear my work schedule for that hour. When you’re on your laptop, notifications can be annoying; however, if you set up your calendar on your phone, notifications will usually appear in your system tray with a little chime and can be a helpful reminder tool.

8. Prepare the night before

Nighttime preparation is critical for a successful morning rush. Consider these techniques: A) pack up whatever items you can including lunches, school and work materials, gym clothes, etc. and places these items in their respective homes (see #1), B) perform whatever tasks you can the night before to lessen the morning rush including shaving and showering, choosing your clothes for the next day, etc. and C) rehearse your morning process the night before. Rehearsing your morning can be particularly helpful for unusual mornings, such as getting ready for a morning airplane flight, leaving early for a conference or college visit, and so forth.

9. Wear a watch

Am I showing my age by advocating wearing a watch? For a while, I tried the whole rely-solely-on-my-phone-for-the-time thing, but I don’t always have my phone with me or it’s inconveniently shoved in my pocket. A watch is a great way to keep you abreast of the time and help you stay on schedule, reducing the risk of forgetting tasks and items in the morning rush.

10. Get your kids (and/or spouse) to help

Your kids should be performing morning tasks, anyway: feeding and letting out the dog, unloading the dishwasher, packing their lunches, etc. Enlist their help!

Borrowed time

I’m a big fan of jupyter notebooks and anaconda.  The other day, I was reading a blog post from Continuum/Anaconda founder Travis Oliphant about his decision to leave the company.  I found this quote particularly stirring:

“As a founder over 40 with modest means, I had a family of 6 children who relied on me. That family had teenage children who needed my attention and pre-school and elementary-school children that I could not simply leave only in the hands of my wife. I look back and sometimes wonder how we pulled it off. The truth probably lies in the time we borrowed: time from exercise, time from sleep, time from vacations, and time from family.”

Here, Travis seems to sum up some of the theme of this blog: my family and our creature comforts–our need for food, housing, clothing, etc.–have claim to much of my time.  And, of course, my time is bound by my mortality.  I have to creatively borrow against those claims to occasionally pursue other subjects I find interesting.  While I’m no founder of a great company like Anaconda, I’d like to think that if Travis was able to make something as great as he did despite his immense time commitments, maybe I can, too.

Are you recording your family events?

This video gets me.  There I am, trying to record every little scene I can in my kids’ lives.  I hope you’re doing the same.  As my parents constantly remind me: they’ll be gone before you know it!  To that end, here are several ideas I try to keep in mind when recording family events:

1. Get a good camera

I am cheap frugal, so I am loath to spend lots of money on nice video cameras; however, you do want to produce quality video, so you should be prepared to drop a few more smackers for it.  I definitely recommend a camera capable of recording video in high definition (HD).  Also, think about the media on which cameras record: I find ones that record on SD cards to be very convenient.  Recording on your smart phone is fine, too, and I often mix video recorded on my smart phone with video I’ve recorded with my regular camera; nevertheless, video cameras tend to offer many more useful features above what you get with your smart phone.

2. Film everything

It’s a given to film birthday parties, graduations, and plays, but you never know when some seemingly insignificant event might become a long-lasting memory.  Think about some of those smaller events: carving pumpkins, a quiet family dinner, your kids playing a game and laughing together, walking the property of a family farm, etc.  These moments in time may never repeat themselves, so think about recording them!

3. Think about your film technique

I did some camera work in college, but for the most part I’m a complete amateur.  [Side note: I should probably take a class or two to improve my technique.]  For my family videos, though, one technique I use quite often is to keep my camera in tight on my subject for the majority of my shots.  For example, when my child is playing basketball or soccer, I’ll keep my camera trained tight on him instead of holding a wide shot of the field or following the ball from player to player.  With wide shots, your viewers–grandparents and other friends and family–may not even be able to pick out your kids from the 10-20 others on the field, let alone see the skills your child exhibits.  When you follow the ball around, you’re usually filming other children the majority of the time: footage you’ll likely discard, anyway.  So, I generally keep my camera trained in tight on my children.  When they make a great play, I’m already capturing the full lifespan of the play and can easily edit that into my final product.  The one drawback of this technique is that I usually miss great plays by my kids’ teammates.  In general, that doesn’t worry me, but every-so-often a parent will ask me if I captured their child’s buzzer-beater and I reluctantly reply in the negative.

4. Take notes

If you’ve captured an important moment–say, your child’s first goal or some great award or honor–make a note of it somewhere.  If possible, record not only the date and time, but even the name of the video file and timestamp within the file.  That way, when you set down to create a final product (see #10 below), it will be easy for you to find the event and edit it into your product.

5. Keep a steady hand

Few things are worse than watching a home video that gives you motion sickness.  On more than one occasion, my wife and children have filmed events with their phones that I wanted to include in one of our family movies but refrained since the shots were so shaky–which is another reason to not rely solely on your smart phone for your video recorder.  A lot of the nicer video cameras include stabilization controls, which can be helpful, especially with the tight shots.  In addition, I recommend bringing along a decent tripod and/or monopod.

6. Backup, backup, backup

Don’t let all your hard work go to waste: backup early, backup often.  I try never to go more than a few weeks without downloading all the video I’ve taken and back it up to my different storage devices.  This goes for the pictures I take, as well.  High definition files take up a lot of space, so be prepared to have ample storage available.

7. Keep spares handy

I bought a second battery for my video camera that I keep charged and nearby whenever my primary battery gets too low.  I also keep spare, formatted SD cards handy in case I fill up my current card.

8. Go-Pro?  Drone?

I own neither a go-pro nor a drone, but I think either device would definitely introduce a unique flavor to your home videos.  I could certainly see recording a fun bike stroll, roller coaster ride, or rafting adventure with a go-pro.  We have two farms in the family that would be fun to document with a drone and even just recording a few flyovers of my suburban house might be fun video to have years from now.

9. Don’t always be the man behind the camera

Even if no one else is lining up to take over as cameraman, try to get in front of the camera every once-in-a-while.

10. Make a polished product

Having raw footage of your various family activities is great, but why not stretch your creative muscles and make a real video out of it?  For more than 10 years, every Christmas, I meticulously parse through a year’s worth of video footage and create a 60+ minute video recapping all our various activities.  In the early years, I used some of the free tools from Microsoft to create my videos and eventually burn them to DVD (complete with disk art drawn by the kids) that I’d hand out to the extended family.  As Microsoft has deprecated those tools, I moved to the CyberLink family of products.

Like my Christmas Letter, I always press multiple copies of my family movies so that I can eventually gift them to the kids; however, I recently decided to stop burning DVDs altogether, instead, simply creating an MP4 of the finished product that I can upload to my media server.  Eventually, whenever I gift our old Christmas Letters to my kids, I’ll also gift a thumb drive of two decades of family movies.  How cool will that be?

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