Musings of a dad with too much time on his hands and not enough to do. Wait. Reverse that.

Tag: python (Page 15 of 26)

Visualizing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

As I try to find new and interesting ways to visualize data, I have made occasional use of the Network Graph. I’ve written some network graphs in D3, but Python has a great tool, networkx, that makes building and visualizing your network graphs a breeze.

Now…what sort of data can I graph? Well, back in the day, my friends and I would play the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game. How about I visualize that?

To start with, I downloaded a movie and actor dataset from Kaggle.

Step 1: Load my packages

import pandas as pd
import ast  # fantastic package (
import networkx as nx
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

Step 2: Load the CSV into a dataframe

This is pretty boilerplate, but the thing to note here is my use of the ast package. In the CSV, the cast and crew columns are lists of lists of dictionaries (say that five times fast). Normally, pandas would just see those brackets and curly braces as characters in a string and would cast the entire column as a string. However, you can use the literal_eval function of the ast package to get pandas to see those columns as lists of lists of dictionaries.

df = pd.read_csv('../../../tmdb_5000_credits.csv')
df['cast'] = df.cast.apply(ast.literal_eval)

Step 3: Load the database into a network graph

Here, I iterate through the list of movies, adding each movie as a node in the graph. With each movie, I iterate through the cast list adding each actor to the graph, as well. I make sure to track the actors as I add them so I only add them once. As I add both movie and cast members, I add an “edge” (connection) between the movie and the actor that worked in it. One cool thing about networkx graphs is that you can also add a data payload to each node and edge. For each movie and actor, I add an associated “type” and “color”.

G = nx.Graph()
added_actor = []

def add_movie_and_actors_to_graph(row):
    G.add_node(row.title, {'type': 'movie', 'color': 'blue'})
    for actor in row.cast:
        if actor['name'] not in added_actor:
            G.add_node(actor['name'], {'type': 'actor', 'color': 'red' if actor['name']=='Kevin Bacon' else 'green'})
        G.add_edge(row.title, actor['name'])

_ = df.apply(lambda r: add_movie_and_actors_to_graph(r), axis=1)

Step 4: Test the theory

Now the fun stuff. Let’s first pick five random actors from the dataset:

random_actors = random.sample(added_actor, 5)

What are the Bacon numbers for these actors?

NetworkX has an excellent function, shortest_path, that will tell me the shortest path between the randomly selected actor and Kevin Bacon:

for a in random_actors:
    path = nx.shortest_path(G,source=a,target='Kevin Bacon')
    print('{0} has a Bacon score of: {1}'.format(a, int(len(path)/2)))
Veriano Ginesi has a Bacon score of: 2
['Veriano Ginesi', 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', 'Eli Wallach', 'Mystic River', 'Kevin Bacon']
Alisha Boe has a Bacon score of: 3
['Alisha Boe', 'Paranormal Activity 4', 'Stephen Dunham', 'Catch Me If You Can', 'Tom Hanks', 'Apollo 13', 'Kevin Bacon']
Sue Pierce has a Bacon score of: 3
['Sue Pierce', 'The Hangover', 'Bradley Cooper', 'Guardians of the Galaxy', 'Michael Rooker', 'JFK', 'Kevin Bacon']
Wallace Wolodarsky has a Bacon score of: 2
['Wallace Wolodarsky', 'Fantastic Mr. Fox', 'Meryl Streep', 'The River Wild', 'Kevin Bacon']
Sébastien Faglain has a Bacon score of: 4
['Sébastien Faglain', 'The Country Doctor', 'François Cluzet', 'A Monster in Paris', 'Vanessa Paradis', 'Yoga Hosers', 'Johnny Depp', 'Black Mass', 'Kevin Bacon']

Sure enough, they’re all under seven degrees of separation!

Step 5: Graph the test

G_chart = nx.Graph()  # a new graph I spin up just for charting purposes

# populate the new graph with the random actors and their paths to Kevin Bacon
for a in random_actors:
    nodes_in_path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=a, target='Kevin Bacon')
    for n in nodes_in_path:
        if not G_chart.has_node(n):
            original_node = [a for a in G.nodes(data=True) if a[0]==n][0]
            # add node and its data payload to the graph i'll use in my chart
            G_chart.add_node(original_node[0], original_node[1])  
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15))

# networkx layouts can be really tricky: something you just have to play with
pos = nx.spring_layout(G_chart, scale=0.25)
#pos = nx.circular_layout(G_chart)

color_map = [n[1]['color'] for n in G_chart.nodes(data=True)]
labels = {n:n for n in G_chart.nodes()}

plt.title('Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon')
nx.draw_networkx(G_chart, pos, node_color=color_map, alpha=0.5, labels=labels, with_labels=True, ax=ax)

from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
custom_legend = [Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', markerfacecolor='g', markersize=10, color='w', label='Actor'), 
                 Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', markerfacecolor='b', markersize=10, color='w', label='Movie'),
                 Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', markerfacecolor='r', markersize=10, color='w', label='The Man Himself')]
ax.legend(handles=custom_legend, loc='lower right')

And now the network graph:

A little clunky, but you get the gist

The lingering question

So, is the Bacon theory really true? I iterated through all the actors in the dataset and calculated their paths. Out of over 54,000 actors, nearly everyone was under seven degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon–so the theory’s pretty spot-on. However, over 600 had no paths to him at all.

more_than_six_degrees = []
no_path_at_all = []

for a in added_actor:
        path = nx.shortest_path(G,source=a,target='Kevin Bacon')
        if int(len(path)/2) > 6:
            #print('Oh-oh: Looks like actor {0} has {1} degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.'.format(a, int(len(path)/2)))
    except nx.NetworkXNoPath as e:
        #print('Woh: it appears actor {0} has no path at all to Kevin Bacon!'.format(a))
print('In this database...out of {0:,} actors...'.format(len(added_actor)))
print('There were {0} actors with more than 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.'.format(len(more_than_six_degrees)))
print('There were {0} actors with no path to Kevin Bacon at all!'.format(len(no_path_at_all)))
In this database...out of 54,201 actors...
There were 0 actors with more than 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.
There were 673 actors with no path to Kevin Bacon at all!

You can check out my complete source code here.

Parsing unconventional data files

One of these data files is not like the others

Recently, a friend presented me with an interesting challenge. He had a data file that he wanted to pull into a pandas dataframe; however, the file was substantially different from the CSVs and TSVs he normally parses. Here’s a representation of his data file:

Example of the unconventional data file

So, how would someone such as myself go about parsing such a file into a dataframe? Well, I would just do some parsing with Python first. Here’s the solution I came up with.

Step 1: Import the packages

import re
import datetime
import pandas as pd

Step 2: Import the file as text and parse it into a list

To start with, I split the file on those dotted lines. Then, I iterate over each entry line-by-line. With each iteration, I use a regular expression to find the timestamp value then I look for the other properties. Ultimately, I append a list of the timestamp, the price, and the commodity name to my master list.

delim = '-----------------------------------------------'
ld = re.compile(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')
log_list = []

with open('commodities.txt', 'r') as f:
    log =
for entry in log.split(delim):
    for line in entry.split('\n'):
        if ld.match(line):
            d = datetime.datetime.strptime(line, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        elif len(line.strip()) > 0:
            price = line.strip().split()[0]
            commodity = line.strip().split()[1]
            log_list.append([d, price, commodity])

Step 3: Read the master list into a new dataframe

Once I finish iterating over the file and building out my log list, I can then properly pull it into a dataframe.

df1 = pd.DataFrame(log_list, columns=['log_date', 'price', 'commodity'])

But, wait, there’s more!

My friend happens to really like awk. While I was off coding my Python solution, he was busy writing an awk script to do the same. It occurred to me, though, that even if he wanted to solve his problem with awk, he could code it up and run it in Jupyter Notebook. Here’s how you might solve this same problem with awk.

Step 1: Develop the AWK script and write to disk

The writefile magic word basically turns your Jupyter Notebook cell into a text editor where you can easily save your work to a file. Here, I’m coding the awk script and then writing it to the file my_awk_script.awk.

%%writefile my_awk_script.awk
    FS = " "
    OFS = ","
    if ( /^20/ )
        dtstamp = $0
    if ( NF = 2 )
        price = $1
        commodity = $2
    if ( commodity ~ /^[0-9]/ )
        print dtstamp,price,commodity
END {}

Step 2: Run the awk file in a bash shell

With my awk script done, I can execute it right from Jupyter Notebook with the help of the bash magic word. One cool thing about this magic word is that you can pipe the cell output to a variable for later processing. Here, I’m piping the results of the awk script to the variable awk_output.

%%bash --out awk_output
gawk -f my_awk_script.awk commodities.txt

Step 3: Clean up the output and load it into a dataframe

The output is one long string with return and newline characters denoting each new line. I can do some list comprehension work on that string, though, and easily get it ready for reading into a new dataframe:

parsed_log = [l.split(',') for l in awk_output.split('\r\n')]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(parsed_log, columns=['log_date', 'price', 'commodity'])

And there you have it: two ways to parse unconventional data files into a pandas dataframe. Check out my complete Jupyter Notebook here!

Filtering on the most recent version of groups in Pandas

Not the catchiest blog title, but stick with me here.

Recently, a friend came to me with an interesting pandas problem. He basically had a set of survey questions and answers. The surveys were of different software applications, but each application had one or more versions of survey results. His goal was to filter on the most recent survey results of each application.

Spinal Tap: too many drummer changes to keep track

For demo purposes, consider a dataset of different rock bands and their lineup changes over the years. Van Halen has had about four lineup changes: from the early David Lee Roth years, to the Sammy years, to the Gary Cherone era, and back to David Lee Roth. ZZ Top, on the other hand, has had only one lineup: the original three members.

The challenge: given a dataset of different bands and their different lineup changes over the years, how might you filter the dataframe to only show the most recent lineup of each band? (Here’s the dataset I’m using.)

I found two ways to solve this problem and a third potential option that bears some consideration. Let’s take a look at these solutions!

Of course, we must first import pandas and load our dataset

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('bands.csv')

Solution 1: idxmax and Merge

The idxmax function returns the row locations where a given column contains the maximum value. With our dataset, then, we can group by the band then run idxmax on the version column. Unfortunately, though, idxmax only returns one row per band; otherwise, it might have solved our problem straight-away:


With idxmax, we can still build a “most recent” dataframe: as in the most recent version numbers for each band. Then, we can use pandas merge to join our full dataset to the one representing the most recent versions of each band. This will effectively filter down our full dataframe to one that only shows the most recent versions of each band and, thus, solve our problem:

df_most_recent = df.loc[df.groupby('band').version.idxmax()]
df.merge(df_most_recent, how='right', on=['band', 'version'])
You would drop the “member_y” column, of course

Solution 2: Max and clever filtering

Similar to idxmax, we can use the pandas max function to also find the latest version numbers of each band, but this time as a Series.


Series objects can be easily casted to a dictionary objects, which will be handy in a minute:


This next part is really cool: I was not aware you could do this, but you can use the apply function to convert dataframe columns into a Series of tuples. Then, you can use the isin function and some clever list comprehension to match the band/version tuple of the main dataframe to the band/version tuple of the “most recent” Series. The result is the solution we seek: a dataframe of the most recent band lineups:

most_recent = dict(df.groupby('band').version.max())
df[ (df[['band','version']].apply(tuple, axis=1)).isin([(b,v) for b, v in most_recent.items()]) ]
No columns to drop for this solution

A third, half-baked idea

The above two approaches seem to solve this problem decently. One other option to explore is changing the index of the dataframe to a multi-index dataframe on the band and lineup version:

df_indexed = df.set_index(['band', 'version'])

Pandas can do some interesting slicing based on indices, including making use of the “cross section” (xs) function. In my example below, I’m filtering the dataframe on the second index and requesting all rows where the second index has a value of “1”. Basically, give me a dataframe of all the original band lineups:

df_indexed.xs(1, level=1, drop_level=False)

Pretty slick! Now, how do I use this multi-index approach to return the most recent band lineups? Unfortunately, I have not found a way to do that with the xs function. Nevertheless, it would not surprise me if such a way were possible with indexing and multi-indexing.

You can download my full code solution here.

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