Recently, I asked a co-worker for a list of data on which I needed to work. Instead of sending me his spreadsheet as an email attachment, he pasted his spreadsheet directly into the body of an email. How in the world am I supposed to work with that? Pandas can help!

I saved his email out to disk as an HTML file. Outlook converted his pasted spreadsheet into a HTML table. Then, I just used Pandas’ read_html function to read the HTML file. It automatically found the table and converted it into a dataframe for me. Problem solved!

Step 1: Save your file as an HTML file

If the data you want to process is in a table in the body of an email, about your only option is to save that email to disk as an HTML file. Save the email, then I’d recommending opening the file in a text editor like Notepad++ and making sure the data you want to process was saved within a table element. In my example here, I simply grabbed three tables of data from the Internet and pasted them all into a single HTML file.

Step 2: Import pandas

import pandas as pd

Step 3: Read in your HTML file

Note that the read_html function returns a list of dataframes:

list_of_dfs = pd.read_html('multiple_tables.html')

Now, with your list of dataframes, you can iterate over it, find the dataframe of the data you want to work with, and have at it.

for df in list_of_dfs:

Your data might not be in quite the shape you want, but pandas has lots of ways to shape a dataframe to your particular specifications. The important point is that pandas was able to read in your data in seconds versus the time it would have taken to transform the data into a CSV or some other arrangement for parsing.