Boy, that kid is resilient

Some time ago, I posted some thoughts on why a person should pursue genealogy as a hobby. Well, according to researchers, here’s another good reason: it helps build resiliency in your children!

Here’s a salient quote from the article:

Researchers speculated that children who know about their own family history have a stronger feeling of being part of something bigger than themselves. Children who knew family history felt part of a larger family.

Daily Herald, 23 February 2019

I wholeheartedly concur. If not you, then some recent or distant ancestor undoubtedly struggled against insurmountable odds and prevailed to give you and your family a fighting shot at success. I think knowing that struggle and sacrifice does build hope and promise in your children and bonds your family even more tightly.

So where do you start? The article suggested a few questions you can pose to your children:

  • Do you know where your grandparents grew up?
  • Do you know where your parents met?

Seems like a good start to me!

(Thanks to Dick Eastman for linking to the article.)